Capillary Blood Collection


Capillary blood collection device enables at-home or in-clinic sample collection

A novel capillary blood collection device, Tasso+, enables at-home or in-clinic sample collection for PredictrPK® and Anser® testing.

Figure 1 shows the high correlation between capillary blood drug concentrations and traditional venous blood concentrations.

Capillary Blood vs. Venous Blood

Prometheus Laboratories is certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) as qualified to perform high-complexity clinical laboratory testing and is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP). Tasso+ is a FDA Class II Lancet 510(k)-cleared single-use blood lancing device intended for obtaining microliter capillary whole blood samples that is manufactured by Tasso, Inc. PredictrPK and Anser sample collection with the Tasso+ device is not yet available for New York State patients. This material is provided for general information purposes only as an educational service for healthcare physicians and their patients. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and/or consultation with a physician.