Therapeutic Drug Monitoring


Scheduling a blood draw for PROMETHEUS Anser IFX, PROMETHEUS Anser, PROMETHEUS Anser VDZ or PROMETHEUS Anser UST is easy

  1. Discuss the need for PROMETHEUS Anser IFX, PROMETHEUS Anser ADA, PROMETHEUS Anser VDZ or PROMETHEUS Anser UST with your patient.
  2. Fully complete a PROMETHEUS Anser Test Requisition Form and give it to your patient.a
  3. Make a copy of both the front and back of your patient’s insurance card for the patient to give to the mobile phlebotomist.
  4. Instruct your patient to call Client Services toll-free in the U.S. at 888-423-5227, Monday through Friday, 7:00am – 4:30pm Pacific Time to schedule an appointment with a mobile phlebotomistb or to find a designated blood draw site. You may also choose to assist your patient in scheduling a blood draw online by clicking here.
  5. Remind your patient to give the completed PROMETHEUS Anser Test Requisition Form to the mobile phlebotomist (or local blood draw center), along with the copy of the front and back of your patient’s insurance card.

aCall Client Services toll-free in the U.S. at 888-423-5227, Monday through Friday, 7:00am – 4:30pm, Pacific Time, for additional PROMETHEUS Anser Test Requisition Forms.
bContracted by Prometheus to draw blood and process serum specifically for Prometheus Anser Tests

This material is provided for general information purposes only, as an educational service for healthcare physicians and their patients.
It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and/or consultation with a physician.